通信地址: 青岛市黄岛区山东科技大学实训中心1416
雷舒蓉,女,1988年11月生,山西太原,中共党员,山东科技大学交通学院讲师。本科、硕士毕业于山东大学能源与动力工程学院,博士毕业于英国诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)机械工程专业。主要研究方向新能源汽车整车热管理、动力电池热管理、燃料电池热管理、格子-玻尔兹曼算法等。截止目前,在国内外能源领域发表学术领域发表论文13篇,其中以第一作者发表SCI一区、二区论文5篇,授权国内外发明专利4项,主持山东省自然科学基金1项、山东科技大学人才项目1项。
[1] 山东省自然科学基金项目“非均匀冷却条件下管内超临界 CO2 的混合对流换热特性研究”,ZR2023QE052, 2024.01-2026.12,主持;
[2] 山东科技大学人才项目,2021.01-2025.12,主持。
[1] Shurong Lei, Bin Guo, Ziliang Zhao, Exergy analysis of heat pump air conditioning systems for pure electric vehicle use with low-GWP refrigerants, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2023, 156:266-277 (SCI二区)
[2] Shurong Lei, Song Xin, Shangxiao Liu, Separate and integrated thermal management solutions for electric vehicles: A review, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 550: 232133 (SCI一区TOP)
[3] Shurong Lei, Yong Shi and Guanyi Chen, Heat-pipe Based Spray-cooling Thermal Management System for Lithium-ion Battery: Experimental Study and Optimization, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 163: 120494 (SCI一区TOP).
[4] Shurong Lei, Yong Shi and Guanyi Chen, A Lithium-ion Battery-Thermal-Management Design Based on Phase-Change-Material Thermal Storage and Spray Cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 168(5): 114792 (SCI二区TOP).
[5] Shurong Lei and Yong Shi, Separate-phase Model and Its Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm for Liquid-vapor Two-phase Flows in Porous Media, Physical Review E, 2019, 99(5): 053302 (SCI二区).
[6] Shurong Lei, Yong Shi, Yuying Yan and Xingxing Zhang, Numerical Study on Inertial Effects on Liquid-vapor Flow Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Energy Procedia, 2019, 160: 428-435.
[7] Shurong Lei, Yong Shi and Yuying Yan, Lattice Boltzmann Mixture Model for Gas-liquid Flow with Phase Change in Porous Media, Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, 6235-6242, Beijing, 2018.8.10-15.
[8] Song Xin, Shangxiao Liu, Shurong Lei*, Exergy Analysis of Vehicle Air Conditioning System with Alternative Refrigerants, Proceedings of The 1st World Conference on Multiphase Transportation, Conversion & Utilization of Energy, 405-406, Xi’an, 2022.7.27-31.
[9] 美国发明专利:Coupling thermal management system of pure electric vehicle based on phase change heat storage. US11745562B1.
[10] 国内发明专利:一种含相变储热的纯电动汽车耦合热管理系统. ZL202210618005.5
[11] 国内发明专利:一种基于喷淋技术的电动汽车锂离子电池热管理系统. ZL201810986040.6.
[12] 国内发明专利:一种含喷淋冷却和相变材料储热的锂离子电池热管理系统. ZL201910076166.4.
2.担任《Applied thermal engineering》、《Artificial Intelligence Review》等多个SCI期刊审稿人。